AMS - IM - Endocrinology: Calcium Metabolism; Thyroid Cases Studies, Part I and Part II. (Download)


Topics and Objectives

Title: Internal Medicine – Endocrinology: Calcium Metabolism; Thyroid Cases Studies, Part I and Part II

Faculty: Frederick Sunderlin, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2020

TOPIC 1: Disorders of Calcium Metabolism

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

  1. Discuss the differential diagnosis of hypercalcemia.
  2. Apply a cost-effective workup to elevated calcium states.
  3. Evaluate Vitamin D treatment options using evidence-based data.

TOPIC 2 & 3: Thyroid Case Studies, Part I & II

Upon completion of these sessions, the participant should be able to:   GL, EBM, COMP

  1. Review the etiologies and pathogenesis of hyper- and hypothyroidism.
  2. Apply cost effective principles in the laboratory evaluation of thyroid conditions.
  3. Design effective treatment protocols for various thyroid conditions based on management Guidelines of the ATA and AACE.

Total Cost: $

    Title: Internal Medicine – Endocrinology: Calcium Metabolism; Thyroid Cases Studies, Part I and Part II

    Faculty: Frederick Sunderlin, M.D.

    Original Release Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2020

    TOPIC 1: Disorders of Calcium Metabolism

    Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

    1. Discuss the differential diagnosis of hypercalcemia.
    2. Apply a cost-effective workup to elevated calcium states.
    3. Evaluate Vitamin D treatment options using evidence-based data.

    TOPIC 2 & 3: Thyroid Case Studies, Part I & II

    Upon completion of these sessions, the participant should be able to:   GL, EBM, COMP

    1. Review the etiologies and pathogenesis of hyper- and hypothyroidism.
    2. Apply cost effective principles in the laboratory evaluation of thyroid conditions.
    3. Design effective treatment protocols for various thyroid conditions based on management Guidelines of the ATA and AACE.
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