Title: Emergency Medicine – Sports Medicine: Musculoskeletal Exam; Stress Fracture; Lower Back Pain
Faculty: John W. Pendleton, M.D., George G.A. Pujalte, M.D., Andrew D. Perron, M.D.
Original Release Date: July 1, 2018 Expiration Date: July 1, 2021
TOPIC 1: Practical Points for the Musculoskeletal Exam for the Primary Care Provider.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP
- Perform an evidence based screening exam to detect evidence of an underlying arthritis in an asymptomatic patient.
- Apply evidence based maneuvers in the shoulder exam to detect an impingement syndrome and adhesive capsulitis.
- Relate the location of pain and the earliest exam changes indicative of arthritis of the hip.
- Employ the most sensitive test to detect effusions of the knee joint.
TOPIC 2: Approach to Stress Fractures.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP
- Describe the stress fractures that can occur in various bones of athletes and athletic individuals.
- Determine the rationale behind differing treatment approaches to preventing and treating stress fractures, such as the ACSM and AOSSM Guidelines.
- Develop rehabilitation points and advice for athletic or active individuals presenting with stress injuries and fractures, with consideration of the specific bone or bones involved.
- Assess and order laboratory and imaging studies to assist in the diagnosis and prognostication of stress injuries and fractures as per the ACR Guidelines.
TOPIC 3: Low Back Pain in the ED: What We Know, What We Think We Know, and What We Don’t Know.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP
- Apply an evidence-based approach to the evaluation of non-traumatic back pain.
- Differentiate the “red flags” that should heighten the suspicion for serious pathology in the evaluation of back pain.
- Assess and differentiate both effective as well as disproved therapies in the treatment of back pain using the Cochrane Database.
- Specify potential pitfalls in the treatment and disposition of low back pain.
- The receipt for any incentive-associated purchase will designate the value of the gift card separately from the cost of the learning activity.
- This incentive may have implications on your tax reporting obligations. Any reimbursed amount must be declared as personal income for tax purposes.