AMS - 2019FMcd-Family Medicine – Cardiology: Hypertension; Lipids/Cardiovascular Risk Assessment; Peri-operative Cardiac Evaluation (USB Flash Drive)


Topics and Objectives

Title: Family Medicine – Cardiology: Hypertension; Lipids/Cardiovascular Risk Assessment; Peri-operative Cardiac Evaluation

Faculty: John Bielinski, PA-C, Gregary D Marhefka, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.P., Alyson N. Owen, M.D

Original Release Date: July 1, 2019  Expiration Date: July 1, 2022

TOPIC 1: Hypertension.

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Incorporate latest 2017 HTN guideline.
  2. Incorporate lifestyle medicine.
  3. Identify secondary work up.
  4. Select appropriate therapies for hypertensive urgency and emergency.

TOPIC 2: Lipids and Cardiovascular Risk Assessment.

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Recognize the changes and updates to the current ACC/AHA lipid guidelines.
  2. Develop new insights for the assessment of LDL and Total cholesterol levels.
  3. Formulate recommendations for when and how to treat hypercholesterolemia as per the most recent ACC/AHA guidelines and Treatment Algorithm while considering the importance of RCT’s such as IMPROVE-IT & AIM-HIGH
  4. Determine when to refer his or her patient to a lipid specialist.

TOPIC 3: Peri-Operative Cardiac Evaluation.

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Formulate guideline based strategies for peri-operative risk evaluation.
  2. Relate peri-operative cardiovascular physiology.
  3. Appraise evidence behind recommendations.
  4. Prescribe peri-operative risk reduction strategies

Total Cost: $

    Title: Family Medicine – Cardiology: Hypertension; Lipids/Cardiovascular Risk Assessment; Peri-operative Cardiac Evaluation

    Faculty: John Bielinski, PA-C, Gregary D Marhefka, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.P., Alyson N. Owen, M.D

    Original Release Date: July 1, 2019  Expiration Date: July 1, 2022

    TOPIC 1: Hypertension.

    Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

    1. Incorporate latest 2017 HTN guideline.
    2. Incorporate lifestyle medicine.
    3. Identify secondary work up.
    4. Select appropriate therapies for hypertensive urgency and emergency.

    TOPIC 2: Lipids and Cardiovascular Risk Assessment.

    Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

    1. Recognize the changes and updates to the current ACC/AHA lipid guidelines.
    2. Develop new insights for the assessment of LDL and Total cholesterol levels.
    3. Formulate recommendations for when and how to treat hypercholesterolemia as per the most recent ACC/AHA guidelines and Treatment Algorithm while considering the importance of RCT’s such as IMPROVE-IT & AIM-HIGH
    4. Determine when to refer his or her patient to a lipid specialist.

    TOPIC 3: Peri-Operative Cardiac Evaluation.

    Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

    1. Formulate guideline based strategies for peri-operative risk evaluation.
    2. Relate peri-operative cardiovascular physiology.
    3. Appraise evidence behind recommendations.
    4. Prescribe peri-operative risk reduction strategies
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