Presenter Profile
Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson
Dr. Wilson is board-certified in Emergency Medicine and Addiction Medicine, and is an Associate Professor (tenured) in the Departments of Emergency Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. He serves as the current Chair of the Coalition on Psychiatric Emergencies (, Secretary of the Board of Directors for the American Association for Emergency Psychiatry (, and as Senior Associate Editor of the Journal of Emergency Medicine ( Clinically, he serves as the emergency department lead for neurological emergencies, psychiatric emergencies, and substance use disorders. Dr. Wilson’s research in behavioral emergencies and substance use disorders have been cited more than 4500 times (h-index 33), and he has written more than 90 peer-reviewed articles, 30 book chapters, and 4 edited books. His work has been supported by numerous federal and private grants, and has been recognized as innovative by the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (
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Last Modified: November 14, 2024 3:32 am