Radiology for the Non-Radiologist

Radiology for the Non-Radiologist
Mon Aug 16, 2021 - Thu Aug 19, 2021
Renaissance, Baltimore, Maryland
Live Webinar
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Live Webinar Access Information: 
Webinars are held via zoom and the Wednesday prior to the conference start date, an email will be sent with the zoom link.

Presented By


  • Jordan S. Gross, M.D. (Learn More)
    Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Section of Musculoskeletal Imaging, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA
  • Adam R. Guttentag, M.D. (Learn More)
    Associate Professor of Radiology and Radiologic Sciences, Cardiothoracic Radiology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN
  • Ryan K. Lee, M.D., M.B.A. (Learn More)
    Clinical Associate Professor of Radiology, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University; Magnetic Resonance Medical Director, Director of Quality, Section Chief of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Einstein Healthcare Network, Philadelphia, PA

Course Outline

Day 1

Basic Chest X-Ray Interpretation. 

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Develop a systematic approach to interpreting a chest radiograph.
  2. Assess a chest radiograph for technical factors that may hide or simulate disease.
  3. Determine whether a chest radiograph demonstrates air space disease and localize it in the lung.

 Radiology of the Pleura: Effusion, Pneumothorax and More.   

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

  1. Detect pleural effusion on a chest radiograph in its various manifestations.
  2. Review evidence based factors that distinguish exudative from transudative pleural effusion.
  3. Distinguish pneumothorax from other findings that may simulate it on a chest radiograph.

A Primer to Ordering the Correct MSK Imaging Study.  

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM ,COMP

  1. Discuss the different imaging modalities available for musculoskeletal imaging, and understand their appropriate uses.
  2. Become familiar with some (easily) accessible resources tailored towards ordering the correct imaging study.
  3. Develop an evidenced-based approach to ordering the correct musculoskeletal imaging study.

MSK Radiographs: Tricks and Tips to Interpretation. 

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Recognize a technically adequate radiograph.
  2. Understand the limitations of radiography in musculoskeletal imaging..
  3. Develop a systematic approach to evaluating musculoskeletal radiographs.

 MSK Imaging of Large Joints: Shoulder, Knee, Hip. 

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Recognize commonly used terminology in radiographic reports with respect to plain radiography, CT and MRI.
  2. Differentiate when to order MRI with or without arthrography.
  3. Discuss when evidence based guidelines support the use of Ultrasound in rotator cuff evaluation.
  4. Integrate MR imaging appropriately into evaluation of patients with symptoms of large joint pathology.

Day 2

Pulmonary Nodule: Evaluation and Follow-Up. 

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Evaluate pulmonary nodules using a variety of radiographic techniques.
  2. Assess pulmonary nodules for features that reliably exclude malignancy.
  3. Use evidence-based guidelines regarding appropriate intervals for nodule follow up.

 Incidentalomas: Dealing With Unexpected Abnormal Findings on Radiologic Exams.   

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

  1. Apply an evidence-based approach to determine the need for further evaluation of abnormalities found incidentally on imaging tests.
  2. Distinguish cystic renal masses that need imaging follow up from those that do not.
  3. Select appropriate further imaging when needed for small adrenal masses.

Non-Invasive Vascular Imaging: Aorta, Carotids and More.  

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

  1. Design an evidence based algorithm for integrating imaging into evaluation of patients with suspected carotid stenosis.
  2. Select appropriate tests to order for patients with suspected acute aortic syndromes.
  3. Integrate modern non-invasive techniques into evaluation of suspected visceral and peripheral artery disease.

Abdominal Radiography.

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Determine when abdominal radiographs are appropriate in evaluating patients with abdominal pain.
  2. Establish a pattern for evaluating plain radiographs of the abdomen.
  3. Distinguish normal from abnormal bowel gas patterns.

 Site Specific Approach to Abdominal Pain. 

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Formulate a focused differential diagnosis based on the location of the patient’s abdominal pain.
  2. Order appropriate radiographic studies based on the location of the patient’s presenting symptoms and using the American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria.
  3. Analyze imaging studies and recognize the findings of common causes of abdominal pain.

Day 3

Contrast and Radiation Issues in Radiology: What a Clinician Should Know. 

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Utilize evidence based guidelines to appropriately order intravenous contrast for CT scans for patients with impaired renal function.
  2. Apply evidence based guidelines to decide whether it is safe to order intravenous contrast for MRI examinations.
  3. Describe factors leading to increased radiation exposure to patients from medical imaging.
  4. Select appropriate tests to order so as to minimize patient radiation dose without sacrificing diagnostic accuracy.

 Evaluation of Patients with Suspected Pulmonary Embolism.    

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

  1. Develop an evidence based algorithm for the use of imaging in evaluation of patients with possible thromboembolic disease.
  2. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of various imaging techniques in PE evaluation.
  3. Integrate d-Dimer testing into evaluation of patients with suspected pulmonary embolism when appropriate.

MSK Emergencies/Trauma, Upper Extremity.  

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Recognize pertinent anatomy when assessing upper extremity trauma.
  2. Discuss a targeted approach to radiographs.
  3. Understand the treatment of key fractures/dislocations of the upper extremity.
  4. Review some common soft tissue findings (at the wrist) that may provide insight on injury.

MSK Emergencies/Trauma, Lower Extremity.

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Recognize pertinent anatomy when assessing lower extremity trauma.
  2. Discuss a targeted approach to radiographs.
  3. Understand the treatment of key fractures/dislocations of the lower extremity.

 MSK Ultrasound.  

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Recognize indications to use MSK ultrasound rather than MRI.
  2. Recognize certain tissue types when performing MSK ultrasounds.
  3. Review appropriate technical parameters for MSK ultrasound.
  4. Briefly review some “new” concepts in MSK imaging, including contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), Dual Energy CT (DECT), Ultrasound – CT/MRI/PET Fusion.


This program is not yet approved for CME credit.



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AMS Cancellation Policy: American Medical Seminars has implemented a Worry-Free Cancellation policy. Written cancellations received 30 or more days prior to the conference start date will be eligible for a full refund of the registration fee paid.  Cancellations received less than 30 days, please send an email to asking to be switched to a future conference. We are happy to transfer you to any conference scheduled to take place within the next two years. Even if you are not yet sure which conference you wish to attend. If you are an international attendee and need to cancel the seminar after an Invitation Letter has been sent, there is a $150.00 cancellation fee.

Disclaimer: In the event that AMS is required to cancel a live conference, registrants will receive a full refund within 7 business days. AMS is not responsible for charges associated with cancelled flights or hotel rooms.
